I have this unusual quirk with Tomcat, and maybe someone out there can
explain what is happening.
1.  I have Apache 1.3.19 and Tomcat 4.01 on Solaris 5.6, with Sun JDK 1.3.1.
2.  I start and stop Tomcat 4.01 with startup.sh and shutdown.sh.
3.  After this, I bring up http://my.domain.name:8080, and I see Tomcat 4.01
4.  I shut down Tomcat, and bring up the Jboss/Tomcat 3.23 bundle.  If I
type http://my.domain.name:8080, I see the Tomat 3.23 screen.
5.  I shut down Jboss/tomcat and type http://my.domain.name:8080, and I get
can't connect to server or some such message.
6.  I bring up Tomcat 4.01 with startup.sh, and instead of a Tomcat 4.01
screen, I get a Tomcat 3.23 screen.

What could be causing the scenario in item 6, and is there a way to correct
it without rebooting the machine?

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