Brett Porter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I have looked into the mail archives and seen others with the same
> problem: when using WARP, datasources don't work as they get deployed as
> "null". The solutions mentioned were:
> 1) set ServerName to an IP address and the same in both that and
> server.xml - didn't work, tried various combinations
> 2) use nightly builds of mod_webapp - doesn't compile with a stock
> tomcat 4.0.1 ditribution when it gets to warp.jar.
> It certainly seems to be attempting to deploy the webapp twice - it logs
> the first time successfully in localhost_log_..., and fails when you
> start apache and it logs that to cataline_log_... using the loggers from
> the example server.xml.
> Is there any solution to this, other than using a snapshot build of tomcat?
> Is my best alternative to use a snapshot, the release AJP connector
> (haven't tried it), or try and tunnel requests to a HTTP connector?

Can I see your server.xml configuration file?


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