The most important task in a situation like this is to find out why memory
is being consumed in the first place.  Generally, this is caused by one of
the following types of factors:

* Creating lots and lots of session attributes in your
  applications (which causes the objects to stay allocated
  until the session times out or is invalidated)

* Creating a new session on every request from your
  stress test tool, which causes a new session object
  to be created each time.

The latter case is pretty insidious for doing stress testings, because JSP
pages are session-aware by default (unless you tell them not to).  This
behavior is not typical of real users, howevever, because they will be
returning the same session id (and therefore accessing the same session)
throughout their interaction with the server.

You should investigate whether httperf (or other tool) can let you
remember the session id that was assigned in the first place and then
reuse it on the subsequent requests, and/or whether your test JSP page can
temporarily be set to not use sessions so that this doesn't happen.


On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Bang, Steinar wrote:

> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 09:21:19 +0200
> From: "Bang, Steinar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Questions on tomcat heap usage and garbage collection (avoiding
>     O utOfMemoryError exceptions)
> Platform:     Intel PIII 797.499MHz, 256MB RAM
>               Debian Woody GNU/Linux,
>               kernel 2.2.19
>               Blackdown J2SDK 1.3.1
>               apache 1.3.19
>               tomcat 3.2.3
> When using httperf[1] to stresstest JSPs on the above
> platform, I'm running into the OutOfMemoryError
> exception problem:
>       <>
> The solution suggested in the URL above, is to increase
> the heap size, but this is just pushing the problem
> ahead.  The important thing for us, is that tomcat doesn't die.
> If this is a problem for high load sites, JSP technology
> would be unusable, and obviously it isn't.  So what
> do others do?
> Possible alternatives:
>  1. increase the heap size to something astronomical,
>     and just hope for the best?
>  2. tune apache/tomcat to restart more often, so that
>     the max heap size aren't reached before the tomcat
>     processes are restarted?
>  3. catch the exception?
>  4. use some kind of watchdog to restart tomcat?
> Question 3 raises more questions:
>  3a. What do you do when you catch the exception?
>      There isn't much you _can_ do if you don't have
>      any memory left.  Maybe force a garbage collection
>      and then re-run the request?
>  3b. Why do all the tomcat processes connected to
>      apache processes die, if one of them gets an
>      OutOfMemoryError exception
> Which brings us to question 2: tuning apache/tomcat:
> When reading the documentation, I thought that there
> was supposed to be a single tomcat process, serving
> all requests.  However top reports a lot of tomcat
> processes, when I'm stresstesting the server, which
> leads me to belive that there is a separate tomcat
> process for each apache server process running.
> Is this correct?
> In any case; based on this assumption, I reduced
> the number of currently running apache processes
> from the default 150 to 20, with dramatically
> changed behaviour: instead of running with a 20%
> load, the machine was running at an 80%-90% load
> with less physical memory used (restarting processes
> is a lot of work).
> However, even with the high load, the end result
> was a lot more stable.  Watching the tomcat processes
> in top, I could watch them grow up to around 82MB,
> before there suddenly was a lot of processes with
> around 19MB.
> It wasn't completely stable though.  I set up
> httperf to do 1 million requests, before I left
> last night, and it only got to 51927 before tomcat
> died.
> I run httperf from a different machine (PIII 800MHz),
> using the command:
>       httperf --server=no-video2 --port=80 --uri=/tps-sba/Welcome.jsp
> --rate 150 --num-conns=1000000 --num-calls=1
> (--num-conns varies.  I have mostly been using
> 10000).
> The memory usage observed in top, also raises some
> questions related to my question 1:
>  1a. Why does tomcat processes always start at around
>      19MB, no matter what I've set the initial heap
>      size to be?
>  1b. Why does the initial heap size seem to matter
>      for my stability if the processes always start
>      at 19MB?  Is it all in my head?
> I'm interested in all direct experiences, ideas,
> guesses, answers, etc.
> Thanx!
> - Steinar
> [1] <>
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