> Hi, there,
> Here is the problem:
> I succeed install Apache 1.3 and tomcat 4.0.  it works fine independently.
> Now I am trying to integrate them together as following:
> 1) downloaded mod_webapp...for win32 and unzipped
> 2) copied mod_webapp.so and libaper.dll to the module directory in Apache
> 3) edit configuration file of Apache and problems appear here:
>       A. add a line of :
>               LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so
>               AddModule  webapp_module mod_webapp.c
>       B. run the program of test configuration and it returns:
>               Cannot add module via name 'mod_webapp.c': not in list of
> loaded modules
>       C. If I comments out the line" AddModule mod_webapp.c" and run test
> configuration, it returns Syntax OK.
>               Q: Can we leave this line commenting out?  If no, what to
> do?
>       D. with the above item C (commenting out), I added the following:
>               WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
>               webAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
>           and run the test configuration, it returns:
>               Invalid virtual host name
>               Q: I did not edit virtual host name, why it says invalid?
> How to solve this problem?
>       E. For win32, do we need mod_jserv file in the modules directory of
> Apache? If yes, where can I find a built mod_jserv file? is the file
> "libaper.dll" a equivalent of mod_jserv?
> Thank you very much for help.
> Bin 

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