Greetings all.

I am reconfiguring an Apache 1.3.20 server running on RedHat 7.1 with Tomcat
4.0 with several virtual hosts.

The problem I am encountering is due to the main virtual host's
implementation of Tomcat.

The WebApp command are within the named virtual host directives as so.  IP
Specific info has been removed.

<IfModule mod_webapp.c>
     WebAppConnection warpConnection warp <*snip*>
     WebAppDeploy stonylake warpConnection /

I would like to serve out the static images without using Tomcat, especially
since the client is serving out banner ads from this site as well.

I tried implementing the

AddHandler    default-handler    gif

directive, to force Apache to handle the static gif images, but all that
does is break the site.  No images are served, regardless of their location.

Any possible thoughts?  Any advice on using the AddHandler directive?  If
more information from the configuration files is required that can be

<VirtualHost <*snip*>>
        DocumentRoot /opt/www/SLS/html
        ServerName <*snip*>
        ErrorLog /opt/www/SLS/logs/SLS-error.log
        CustomLog /opt/www/SLS/logs/SLS-access.log combined
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/opt/www/SLS/cgi-bin/"
        <IfModule mod_webapp.c>
            WebAppConnection warpConnection warp <*snip*>
            WebAppDeploy stonylake warpConnection /
            WebAppDeploy admin warpConnection /admin

Understandably, the easiest solution is to point the root of the
warpconnection to other then /.  However, the java is already compiled and I
don't have the time to go thru and rewrite all the servlets to accomedate a
directory structure change.

Paul Devisser

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