On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

| On 14/11/2001 01:01 am, "Pier Fumagalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > On 14/11/2001 12:42 am, "Martin van den Bemt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >
| >> nice job ;))
| >> Why don't you put the subcriber email address in by default (in the text
| >> footer of the mail or something).. Saves you working late ;))
| >
| > I don't think it's possible with EZMLM to modify the content per each
| > subscriber... I'll see, though!
| Oh... One more thing... That's kinda impossible also because messages are
| prepared "once" and then sent to the email delivery service with one message
| copy and a list of addresses... Changing this behavior would mean greatly
| increasing the size of the queue, adding a bunch of overhead (since for
| every subscriber, the message needs to be parsed and prepared individually),
| and so on... Not a good idea...

Patch that sending part of the program to just include the address at the
bottom? Or as a extra header? Just chuck it in there, kind of.. It already
have to handle the address anyways, since it talks to the MTA.


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