
Our web server :
Apache 1.3.14
Tomcat 3.2.3
Oracle 8.1.6 with Jdbc Thin drivers

We've got the following problem ( appearing about 10 times per day )
- The number of request on port 80 is stable( between 15-25 )
- The number of apache threads suddenly grows ( from 30 to 100 )
- The number of request on port 8009 suddently grows too ( from 50 to
190 )
- Our pool connection suddendly grows too ( from 3-4 connections to 80
max connections )

It cannot be an extern attack because the number of requests on port 80
is stable.
It seems that there is a bug somewhere.
Connections to database are not released( Pool is filled ). 
Tomcat and Apache processes are not released too even if the client

We only restart Tomcat to return to a stable status.

In attachment, a jpeg picture that shows a crash ( lines represent the
number of request on
port 80, on port 8009 and the number of process httpd ).

Can u help ?

Michenaud Laurent
- Adeuza -
[ Développeur Web - Administrateur Réseau ]

Attachment: crash.gif
Description: crash.gif

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