Thanx Craig, but I affraid, this was not the problem.

| >
| > JSP (start file):
| > <%
| >   String contentType = "text/html;charset=windows-1250";
| >   response.setContentType(contentType);
| > %>
| >
| The setting "windows-1250" is not a valid character encoding name in Java.
| Try "Big5" instead for Traditional Chinese.  Valid character encoding
| names are listed in the Internationalization documentation of the JDK:
| Craig

"windows-1250" IS WORKING :
I mean, in servlets and in JSP too (when set as <%@ %>).

The above mentioned code does NOT change the Content Type correctly to ANY encoding.

Anyway, I tried to change my encoding to "Cp1250" which is listed in sun's 
BTW, windows-1250 is Windows Eastern European, not Chinese, but this is not important 
at the moment...

Cp1250 causes the same wrong result.

Anyway, I also tried (just for fun) to change the Content Type to 
The result is the same, without any chinese signs...

So what will be the next try?

Thanx again.


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