Hi Brandon,

I recommend that you use the mod_jk from the 3.3 distribution. I'm not sure
if all the bug fixes have been back-ported to the 3.2.x version. Also, the
3.3 version lets you restart Tomcat without having to restart Apache.

Anyway, download the 3.3 bundle (jakarta-tomcat-3.3-src.tar.gz) from:


gunzip and untar it and then cd to the src/native/mod_jk/apache1.3
directory. Copy the "Makefile.linux" to "Makefile" and then type "make".
Took about 10 seconds to compile on my stock RedHat 7.1 installation. Copy
the resulting "mod_jk.so" to your apache libexec directory and you should be


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brandon Cruz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: This is unbelievably Hard, please help!!!

> I am trying to compile mod_jk.c on linux redhat 7.1.  I seem to have
> the file to compile after making some changes in mod_jk.c, the resulting
> mod_jk.so is 18000 bytes.  Apache will not start when using this file.  I
> using the tomcat 3.2.4 documentation to compile.  I see that there is a
> Makefile.linux in the directory, but this does not work either.  Is there
> anyone that can help me to accomplish this task?  I am stuck and have been
> working on it forever!!!
> --
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