I can't help you but I can say that I have what sounds
like a similar authentication failure when trying to
access the manager app

When I try to access the manager webapp the BASIC
authentication dialog popped up, I entered the
username and password but can never authenticate
successfuly. I even had a colleague type the
username/password in as a sanity check but no go.

(This was with Tomcat 4.0, I haven't tried 4.0.1)


 --- Cavan Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Hey everybody,
> I'm running tomcat 4.0.1 under apache 1.3.22 through
> mod_webapp from
> webapp-module-1.0-tc40-linux-glibc2.2.tar.gz and
> I've noticed a couple of
> quirks in the way it's working.  I'm wondering if
> these are bugs that
> will/should be corrected or they are the result of
> misconfigureation on my
> part.
> The first problem is that if I go to
> www.mydomain1.com/webapp-info or
> www.mydomain1.com/examples I get:
>     Not Found
>     The requested URL /examples was not found on
> this server.
> If I go to www.mydomain1.com/webapp-info/ or
> www.mydomain1.com/examples/ it
> works fine.  That happens whether I include a
> trailing slash in the
> httpd.conf WebAppDeploy or not.  (Examples from docs
> say not)
> The other, more serious problem is this.  I can't
> authenticate to the
> protected areas of my ROOT app through mod-_webapp. 
> I'm using form based
> login and a JDBC Realm on tomcat to protect one of
> the subdirectories.
> Everything works fine if I go directly to tomcat on
> port 8080, but if I go
> through apache the authentication fails every time. 
> The 302 redirects work
> fine, it's just that no mater what username and
> password I use it acts like
> they're bad.  They're not though.  I can see them in
> the database and use
> them on port 8080.
> Any ideas what's going wrong or where I made a
> mistake?  Are these known
> issues with this configureation?
> Here's my mod_webapp lines in httpd.conf.  I hope
> somebody can give me a
> hand.
> LoadModule webapp_module      libexec/mod_webapp.so
> #apache 1.3.22 seems to nolonger require AddModule
> lines
> [...]
> WebAppConnection conn      warp  localhost:8008
> <VirtualHost *>
>     ServerName www.mydomain1.com
>     UseCanonicalName On
>     WebAppInfo /webapp-info
>     WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost *>
>     ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     ServerName www.mydomain2.com
>     ServerAlias mydomain2.com *.mydomain2.com
>     UseCanonicalName On
>     WebAppDeploy  ROOT  conn  /
> </VirtualHost>
> --
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