
I really wish Mac OS X was for rookies, but it is by far not the fact. 
Actually, one needs considerable expertise to deal with the Mac OS X, 
because Apple does not follow the standards.  It seems that most things in 
the /etc directory are just ignored.  Take creating new users and groups.  
This facility is done through NetInfo, which is a LDAP-like binary file.  
This facility using commmands newuser doesn't work, so some scripters 
created scripts that dump the whole binary file to ascii, edits the ascii,
  and converts it back to binary.  Other times, the directories for 
installs and libraries are stored in unnatural places (usually under the 
/Library tree or /System tree).

As for Apache, one would think they could click on the little jeweled 
button called start, but this is not the case.  The http.conf has to 
edited, which cannot be done as root, but then root is disabled, and can 
only be enabled by using NetInfo facility (the LDAP-like library).

There is a strong need for documentation in this department because newer 
users starting out will most likely have more difficulties.  For me 
personally, I gave up and simply used Linux-PPC on my Titanium...

  - jm

On Wednesday, December 19, 2001, at 06:00  AM, Bongiorno.Christian wrote:

> I don't know much about mac X, but, did you check the hosts.allow and 
> hosts.deny ?
> Maybe only is allowed. Given this is unix for COMPLETE PC 
> rookies (let alone unix rookies) they probably don't want people shooting 
> themselves in the foot
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 8:34 AM
> Subject: No examples with 4.0.1 install on OSX
> Hello everybody,
> Having successfully installed a 3.3 distribution of Tomcat on OSX10.1.1 I
> attempted a 4.0.1 install. However whilst the welcome page and manual 
> pages
> are successfully displayed by Tomcat at the attempt to view
> any of the examples or servlets results in a 'Resource not available' 404
> error message.
> I've checked the following:
> * The examples are in the web-apps directory of Tomcat home.
> * I've removed my old TOMCAT_HOME environment variable that pointed to the
> 3.3 distribution; and added a CATALINA_HOME variable pointed to the home 
> of
> 4.0.1.
> * My JAVA_HOME variable is correctly set.
> * Running ./ appears to be fine. It reports where all the paths
> are; and as described above the home page displays correctly.
> * All the permissions on the examples directory are correctly set.
> * No errors are reported in the log.
> Has any one had any success with 4.0.1 on OSX? If so do they know why it
> might not be working for me?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> --------
> Flash Developer
> London, UK
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