Hi all,
I can't solve the problem in Lesson14.java.Hope to get some help here.

Error message
cannot resolve symbol
-basically,the errors are about the 

I hope u guys can help me solve these bugs

package rayexamples;

import java.sql.*;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class Lesson14 extends Object implements Serializable


 public Lesson14() {}

 private String           deptId ;

  private String           deptName ;

  private String           deptEmpId ;

 /* THE SETTER METHOD FOR deptId - This is the key column, & it identifies the dept.*/

 public void setDeptId(String deptId) { this.deptId = deptId ; }


 /* THE SETTER METHOD FOR deptName. This is the name of the dept (accounting, etc.) */

 public void setDeptName(String deptName) { this.deptName = deptName; }

 /* THE SETTER METHOD FOR deptEmpId. This the employee ID of the department's 

 public void setDeptEmpId(String deptEmpId) { this.deptEmpId = deptEmpId ; }


 /* = = = = = = = = = >  INSERT DEPTARTMENT   < = = = = = = = = = */

 public String insertDept () 



   Connection sqlca = null;

   String lesson14_output = "";

   PreparedStatement lesson14_stmt= null;

   ResultSet lesson14_data= null;

   int myDeptId      = 0;

   int myDeptEmpId   = 0;


  /* = = = = = = = = = >  CONNECT  < = = = = = = = = = */



   /* Connection to the database */


   String lesson14_database = "jdbc:odbc:lesson14_database";
                        String usr="E-BookMall Admin";
   String pwd="peilengdh00677833811";
   sqlca = DriverManager.getConnection(lesson14_database,usr,pwd);


  catch (Exception e)


   lesson14_output = "<br>Connection Error #1: JDBC Class creation: " + 


  /* = = = = = = = = = >  INSERT  < = = = = = = = = = */ 


  /* Convert deptId from a string to an integer. */



   myDeptId = Integer.parseInt(deptId.trim());


  catch (NumberFormatException e)

  { lesson14_output = " <br>Convert Error #1 Number Format Exception: " + 
e.getMessage(); }

  catch (NullPointerException e) 

  { lesson14_output = " <br>Convert Error #2: NullPointerException: " + 
e.getMessage(); }



  /* Convert deptEmpId from a string to an integer. */  



   myDeptEmpId = Integer.parseInt(deptEmpId.trim());


  catch (NumberFormatException e)

  { lesson14_output = " <br>Convert Error #3 Number Format Exception: " + 
e.getMessage(); }

  catch (NullPointerException e) 

  { lesson14_output = " <br>Convert Error #4: NullPointerException: " + 
e.getMessage(); }



  /* Create and execute the insert statement. */   


  { lesson14_stmt = sqlca.createStatement() ; 


  catch (Exception e)

  { lesson14_output = " <br>Insert Error #1: SQL error of: " + e.getMessage(); 



  { int rowsAffected = lesson14_stmt.executeUpdate(

    "insert into department " +

    "(dept_id, dept_name, dept_head_id) " +

    "values (" + myDeptId + ", '" + deptName + "', " + myDeptEmpId + " )");


   if ( rowsAffected == 1 )

   { lesson14_output = "Department WAS added.<br><br>";}


   { lesson14_output = "Department WAS NOT added.<br><br>";}    


  catch (Exception e)

  { lesson14_output += "<br>Department was not added." +

    "<br><br>Insert Error #2: SQL error of: " + e.getMessage(); }



  /* = = = = = = = = = >  DISPLAY DEPARTMENT  < = = = = = = = = = */



   /* Build &  execute the sql, positioning before the first row in the result set */

   lesson14_stmt  = sqlca.createStatement();  

   lesson14_data = lesson14_stmt.executeQuery(

    "select " +

     "dept_id, " +

     "dept_head_id, " +

     "dept_name " +

    "from department " +

    "where dept_id = " + myDeptId ); 

   /* Construct the heading for the table */

   lesson14_output += 

    "<br><br><table border=1 align=center width=75%>" +

    "<caption><i><b>The Current State Of Department " + 

     this.deptId + "</b></i></caption>" ;

 /*   "<caption><i><b>The Current State Of Department </b></i></caption>" ; */   

   /* Construct the column headings for the table */

   lesson14_output += 

    "<i><b><th align=left>Dept ID</th>" + 

    "<th>Dept Name</th>" + 

    "<th>Dept Manager</th></b></i>" ;

   /* Move to the first (and only) row and & add its contents to the html output */ 

   lesson14_data.next() ;

   { lesson14_output += "<TR><TD>" + 

    lesson14_data.getObject("dept_id").toString() + "</TD><TD>" + 

    lesson14_data.getObject("dept_name").toString()+"</TD><TD>" +

    lesson14_data.getObject("dept_head_id").toString() + "</TD></TR>" ;




  catch (Exception e)


   lesson14_output += " <br>Display Error #1: SQL error of: " + e.getMessage() ; 


  catch (Exception e)


   lesson14_output += " <br>Display Error #2: JDBC Class creation: " + e.getMessage(); 


  lesson14_output += "</table><br><br>" ;



  /* = = = = = = = = =   DISCONNECT   = = = = = = = = = */


  { sqlca.close(); }

  catch (Exception e)

  { lesson14_output = "<br>Disconnect Error #1: SQL error of: " + e.getMessage(); } 


 /* Complete the html and return it to the Java Server Page */

 return lesson14_output;



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