What does your context for your app look

-----Original Message-----
From: Liam Holohan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 February 2002 16:30
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: deploying WARs in different locations..(web.xml error)

Hi all ..
I'm having difficulity in getting my wars to unpack into "non standard 

I have tomcat4.0 + apache 1.3.22 running on Red hat Linux 7.2
Using mod_webapp and seems to be working fine

Did a search on google and mailing lists but to no avail.
At wits end :-(

Tomcat is installed into /home/wasp/tomcat/4.0/
Tomcat conf files are in /home/wasp/tomcat/4.0/conf/server.xml etc..
Apache is in /home/wasp/apache/1.3.22/ etc..
The document root of my virtual hosts are in 

I want to deploy a web app (war file "app-example.war", build with 
jbuilder and examined with jar and looks ok) into a virtual host called 
i.e /home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/htdocs/webapps

It seems to recognise the context "app-example" I want to set up but 
does not read the WEB-INF/web.xml file inside the war ??

I keep getting an error "WEB-INF/web.xml" not found
i.e in my 
(custom log for virtual host www.test.com set up in server.xml)

StandardContext[/app-example]: Configuring default Manager
StandardContext[/app-example]: Processing standard container startup
WebappLoader[/app-example]: Deploying class repositories to work 
directory /home/wasp/tomcat/4.0/work/www.test.com/app-example
WebappLoader[/app-example]: Reloading checks are enabled for this Context
StandardManager[/app-example]: Seeding random number generator class 
StandardManager[/app-example]: Seeding of random number generator has 
been completed
ContextConfig[/app-example]: ContextConfig: Processing START
StandardContext[/app-example]: Setting deployment descriptor public ID 
to '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN'
ContextConfig[/app-example]: Missing application web.xml, using defaults 

StandardWrapper[/app-example:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker
invoker: init
StandardWrapper[/app-example:jsp]: Using Jasper classloader for servlet jsp
jsp: init
Internal Error: File /WEB-INF/web.xml not found

my config details are....

in httpd.conf
     ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     DocumentRoot /home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/htdocs
     ServerName www.test.com
     TransferLog /home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/logs/www.test.com-xferlog
     ErrorLog /home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/logs/www.test.com-errorlog

     WebAppConnection www.test.com.warpConnection-8008 warp
     WebAppDeploy app-example www.test.com.warpConnection-8008 /app-example

in server/xml ..

   <!-- Define an Apache-Connector Service -->
   <Service name="Tomcat-Apache Virtual Host Warp connector Service">
className="org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector" port="8008" 
minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="false" 
acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
     <Engine className="org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpEngine" 
name="www.test.com" debug="1" 
       <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" 
prefix="www.test.com-" suffix="-engine.log" timestamp="false"/>
       <Host name="www.test.com" debug="0" 
appBase="/home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/htdocs/webapps" unpackWARs="true">
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" 
directory="/home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/logs" prefix="www.test.com-" 
suffix="-tomcat.log" timestamp="false"/>
         <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" 
directory="/home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/logs"  prefix="www.test.com-" 
suffix="-tomcat-access.log" pattern="common"/>
         <Context path="" 
docBase="/home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/htdocs/webapps/" debug="0"/>
         <Context path="/app-example" 
debug="1" reloadable="true">
           <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" 
directory="/home/wasp/vhosts/www.test.com/logs" prefix="www.test.com-" 
suffix="-app-example-context.log" timestamp="false"/>
       <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />

any help or pointers to sombody who has the same problem would be great !!

Thx in advance

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