El Mar 05 Feb 2002 20:12, escribiste:
> Hi,
> It's not a good idea. Try changing GET to POST. In case you don't know -
> request uris are often cached, logged, etc, so sending any data, especially
> passwords in them is a suicide or worse.

I compound the uri internally in my servlet, encode it and do a POST. In fact 
tomcat shows me the doPost.
The question is: I KNOW that I'm using method POST and I know the generated 
uri is very long. Have you ever try to send so long uris? How to treat them? 
Can tomcat be configured to handle longer uris?

Thank you again.

> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.2.1
> "The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of a
> URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of any resource they serve, and
> SHOULD be able to handle URIs of unbounded length if they provide GET-based
> forms that could generate such URIs. A server SHOULD return 414
> (Request-URI Too Long) status if a URI is longer than the server can handle
> (see section 10.4.15).
>       Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI lengths
>       above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy
>       implementations might not properly support these lengths."
> Greetings, deacon Marcus

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