I wrote a doc on how to integrate them once. I am not sure how good it is, I
am not exactly a technical author, but it might be use full. It is based on
the a windows environment.

Hope it helps


Installing Tomcat and Apache on
The Application Server

Required files:

apache_1_3_14_win32_r2.exe      Apache Installation File
jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1.zip        Tomcat Installation File
mod_jk.dll      Allows Apache to work with Tomcat


Extract tomcat file to a directory on your Hard Disk. (<TOMCAT_HOME>)

Edit the tomcat.bat file (<TOMCAT_HOME>\bin\tomcat.bat)

Insert the line below into the ‘Save Environment Variables That May Change’

Set JAVA_HOME = <the location of your JDK directory>

Edit the Server.xml file (<TOMCAT_HOME>\conf\server.xml)

Insert the lines below at the bottom of the file:
<Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
<Parameter name="handler"
<Parameter name="port" value="8009"/>


Run the Apache Installation File and install to a directory of your choice.
Copy the mod_jk.dll file to ŕ  \Apache group\Apache\Modules

Edit the httpd.conf file ( \Apache group\Apache\Conf\httpd.conf)

Insert the line below at the bottom of the file

Include <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto

Installing the Web site

Place the website files on the Hard Disk

File    Path
downloadBottom.html     /
downloadMain.html       /
downloadMiddle.html     /
downloadTop.html        /
index.html      /
xmldownloadBottom.html  /
xmldownloadmain.html    /
xmldownloadMiddle.html  /
xmldownloadTop.html     /
consoleSTUB_JRE.EXE     /download/stub
consoleSTUB_NJRE.EXE    /download/stub
ccfile.xml      /download/xmlfiles
appser.gif      /images
astub.gif       /images
bcraceclose.gif /images
braceopen.gif   /images
btmain.gif      /images
collect.gif     /images
djre.gif        /images
dloadtop.gif    /images
dxml.gif        /images
instruction.gif /images
jre.gif /images
jreimg.gif      /images
linuxlogo.gif   /images
mslogo.gif      /images
sollogo.gif     /images
stubimg.gif     /images
ttlogo.gif      /images
ttName.gif      /images
VivianceLogo.gif        /images
vivilogo1.gif   /images
vivilogo2.gif   /images
vssver.scc      /images
xml.gif /images
xmltop.gif      /images

Edit the httpd.conf file ( \Apache group\Apache\Conf\httpd.conf)

Alter line:
DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs"

DocumentRoot "<location of the files above>"
-----Original Message-----
From: Gang Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 February 2002 11:52
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Apache + Tomcat


I wonder where i can find doc for installing Apache as web sever and plug in
Tomcat as servlet container only. Or Can anyone please give me a short
headline about this issue.


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