Hi Nic,

at first make sure that your servlet class has really been reloaded.

I had similar problems (and sometimes still have when using the
back/forward/refresh button), the browser did not really reload the servlet.
Now I use the following commands in my servlets.

                res.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); // "pragma" to
"no-cache", similar use a <meta> Tag with pragma=no-cache
                res.setHeader("Expires","-1"); // -1 (or 0... not sure about
this) lets the webpage be expired, the broser should
                                           // look for a newer version of
the webpage now
                res.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); // tells the
browser not to cache this page
                PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

Unfortunatly this does not always work out well, especially when the
backbutton is used. Netcscape is more correct in this case...

If you are interested in having a closer look on what data is submitted, use
the TCPTunnelGUI.
Its availible at http://xml.apache.org/soap/index.html in soap-bin-2.2.zip
Quite a usefull tool.

Best regards,
Max Wippert

-----Original Message-----
From: Hammonds Nicholas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2002 12:10
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Recognising updated servlet class files

Hello there,

I am running Tomcat 4.0.  I have a problem at the moment in that when I
update a servlet class file the only way I can get the browser to display
the updated version is to shutdown and restart tomcat.  I am using Internet
Explorer 5.50.  I have tried holding down the ctrl and also the shift key
whilst clicking on  the refresh button in the browser as I understand that
should force IE to look for an updated version.  Have any of you experienced
similar problems and if so how did you resolve them.



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