> Hi !
> I am trying to create a samll web application which will 
> query the database depending upon the input parameters 
> provided, generates XML file from the Result Set, applies 
> XSLT and generates HTML, which in turn I want to display
> in a frame.
> I want to organize those files in following way relative to my web
> application path.
> Reports ( my root path )
>   |
>   |
>   - forms ( which will contain forms to accept input parameters )
>   |
>   - xml ( which will store converted XML file from the Result Set )
>   |
>   - xslt ( which will contain pre generated XSLT files )
>   |
>   - html ( which will store transformed HTML file )
> I am initializingfollowing variables 
>               _xsltFileName = request.getContextPath() +
> "\\xslt\\newCommodities.xslt" ;
>               _xmlFileName = request.getContextPath() +
> "\\xml\\newCommodities.xml" ;
>               _htmlFileName = request.getContextPath() +
> "\\html\\newCommodities.html" ;
> and using following code to transform and display HTML.
>               transformXML( _xmlFileName, _xsltFileName, _htmlFileName ) ;
>               response.sendRedirect( _htmlFileName ) ;
> What is wrong with this, as I am not able to create HTML file in /html/
> directory, and obviously not
> able to display the file as it doesn't exist there.
> Thankyou very much in advance for the help.
> -Hemant

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