I have a silly little error trying to compile a java program that
implements EJBs and is to run on Tomcat / JBoss.

The compiler will not compile the source code - complaining that:

import javax.ejb.EJBObject;

does not exist.  I've found it in the J2EE javadocs (on Suns web site),
and have (I thought) set up my compile class path correctly (it uses the
classes in java1.3.1/lib, java1.3.1/ext and JBoss/lib/ext.

Has this happened to anyone, and what was the fix?  OR... what java
archive contains these classes from "javax.ejb"?  Note - other classes
compile just fine, and they also call "javax.ejb" classes - so most are
being found - just not EJBObject.



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