Hello All,

I'd like to know if anyone has seen anything like this before and if =
anyone has any suggestions on how to fix. My situation is this: I have a =
servlet that loads and initializes a connection pool (from bitmechanic) =
that fails with a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying to call a =
method that DOES exist. This in itseft is strange enough, however, it =
only happens in our production environment which happens to be HPUX11i; =
things work flawlessly in our development environment. Our development =
environment is a mix of Win2k and Linux (rh7.1) boxes and JDK1.3.02 on =
all boxes both dev and prod. Aside from the obvious differences in =
platform the configuration is the same as are the application binaries =
(our app bins). If anyone has any clue as to what may be happening I'd =
appreciate your feedback.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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