Guess I'm not totally clear on what your intent is.  With virtual
hosting Apache listens on port 80 of all ip's you configure and forwards
the request to the appropriate engine that is listening on a _different_
port.  So set Tomcat to listen on 8009 or something instead and it
should work.

If, on the other hand, you want Tomcat to handle it's own requests
_directly_, then run it standalone with the HttpConnector listening on
port 80 and the Engine defaultHost entry set to the appropriate IP.
Remove any reference to it from Apache.

One of the above should do the job for you!  If not, try posting your
config files in your next reply and hopefully some others will jump in.

Moi wrote:
> So I did.
> And when run Apache, (which listens same port 80,but on the other IP
> than Tomcat4) after Tomcat4 it's not starting.
> ???
> David Slater wrote:
>>>Tomcat4 listen only one IP with port 80 and other IPs will serve APACHE.
>>Sounds like IP based Virtual Hosting is what you need to configure in
>>Apache.  From httpd.conf:

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