Hell, just realized that was an error msg, not your config file!  I 
still feel that the parse error is the root of all evil for you with 
this though.  Try making sure there are no tabs or funky chars embedded 
in the server.xml line and/or restore a known good copy, retype the 
line, etc.  Best of luck.

David Slater wrote:
> The Connector values need to be quoted:
> <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector" port="8009" 
> etc...>
> The parse error is probably causing all the other startup errors as a 
> result.
> My gut feeling anyway!
> Pykäläinen, Eero wrote:
>> I searched the web and archives but found no answer to this. If any of 
>> you
>> people could help I would appreciate it very much.
>> Everything has worked fine for several weeks but this morning when I 
>> tried
>> to start Tomcat service on my W2K I got the following error message:
>> "Could not start the Tomcat service on local computer. Error 1067: the
>> process terminated unexpectedly."
>> Following error message is from stdout.log:
>> ERROR reading c:\tomcat\conf\server.xml
>> At Line 77 /Server/Service/Connector/
>> className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector port=8009 minProcessors=5
>> maxProcessors=75 acceptCount=10 debug=0
>> Catalina.start: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>> org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>> org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector (and
>> so on..)
>> My wrapper.properties:
>> wrapper.tomcat_home=c:\tomcat
>> wrapper.java_home=c:\jdk
>> wrapper.ld_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\jre\bin
>> #wrapper.ld_path=c:\
>> wrapper.ld_path=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\bin\native
>> wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\bin\bootstrap.jar
>> wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\lib\tools.jar
>> wrapper.javabin=$(wrapper.java_home)\bin\java.exe
>> wrapper.startup_class=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
>> wrapper.tomcat_policy=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\conf\catalina.policy
>> wrapper.server_xml=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\conf\server.xml
>> wrapper.shutdown_port=8009
>> wrapper.shutdown_protocol=ajp13
>> wrapper.cmd_line=$(wrapper.javabin) -Xrs
>> -Djava.security.policy=="$(wrapper.tomcat_policy)"
>> -Dtomcat.home="$(wrapper.tomcat_home)" -classpath $(wrapper.class_path)
>> $(wrapper.startup_class) -config $(wrapper.server_xml) start
>> It looks like a classpath problem but I haven't changed anything!
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