Hi everybody,

I think, I have the same problem Anil Paul described on 06 Feb. 2002.

I have a servlet for FileUpload.
Authentication is made by form based login (on TC 3.3 and Apache)

Everythink works fine until the users has entered his Logininformations.
The Logfiles show, that he is authenticated successfully, but j_security_check does 
not redirect him to the servlet. He only gets a blank page.

What I do is:
I call  <form action="servlet/FileUpload.UploadServlet" enctype="MULTIPART/FORM-DATA" 
method="post" name ="EnterFiles">
from a html-page

then the Loginpage.html is called by j_security_check to authenticate the user.
This page has calls <form action="j_security_check" method="post"
with j_username and j_password.

Here the user enters his name and password and submits the form.

After that he is not redirected to the servlet

Any Ideas? I think I'm not the first one, who uses this product :-))

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