I'm using Tomcat 4.0.3 on Windows 2000.  I'm also running Apache SOAP and
must transfer a large number of files between client and server.  I was
receiving a socket write error each time I tried to send more than ~445
files (about 130 Kb each).  Based on some posts I found in the archives, I
set CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx512m to increase the memory allocation to
tomcat.  My client works perfectly when tomcat is launched from the
startup.bat file but the CATALINA_OPTS settings seem to have no effect on
the NT service or the startup file stored in the Windows programs menu.
I've looked at the startup file in the programs menu and noticed that it's
launching the .jar file explicitly without using the startup.bat file, so I
guess that explains why my CATALINA_OPTS settings are ignored in that case.
Launching Tomcat as a Windows service would be extremely convenient (ability
to have it start after a reboot, and not having to worry about locking out
tomcat by clicking in the DOS console window by accident and putting it in
"select" mode).  My question is:  Is there some way to make my CATALINA_OPTS
settings available to the NT service?

Thanks for any advice,

Jason Donmoyer

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