
I am running an experimental setup for Load balaning on the webservers.
I am using Tomcat as the webserver.
For this experimental setup,I will be running multiple instances of Tomcat on the same 
machine(listening on differnt ports). I have multiple copies of Tomcat stored on the 
same machine. The default port is 8080. I will make the other instances of tomcat run 
on differnt ports.

Is this the only change required or do I have to make any other changes. As I was 
going thorugh the Server.xml file, I see different other ports specified like Port 
8443, 8009(Ajp13Connector). I am using Non SSL Http.

Please advise.


Venkatesh Sangam,                                                                      
Research Assistant,                                                                    
Dept. of Computer Science,                                                             
Arizona State University
Home  Phone:(480)7369392
Work  Phone:(480)9651807
Lab   Phone:(480)9651207

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