Its a bug in Tomcat 4. We also had to make the work-around you suggested.  I depends
also on if you use Warp or AJP connectors.

There are unfortunately other cookie-related bugs in TC 4 as well.
Some due to the fact the the browser manufacturers do not follow the
current RFC too well.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Megliola, Leonard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 22:19
Subject: Catalina Cookies URL Encoded? Tomcat 3 Not?


I recenly upgraded to Tomcat 4 and found that some of my cookie parsing code no longer 
works.  It seems that with Tomcat 3 colons
come through as colons in my cookie values but in Tomcat 4 they are URL encoded (%3A). 
 Is this standard behavior in Tomcat 4 or a
bug?  Should I modify my code to URL decode before processing now or expect a bug fix? 
 If this is the appropriate behavior is this
conditional behavior, meaning are there situations where URL encoding will not take 

Thank you,


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