At 02:59 PM 18/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Please read this thread and tell me what the h**l I am doing wrong.  I am
>just trying to write my first servlet.  I have to give a demo Tuesday
>evening and I cannot get TomCat to run my servlet.  Tomcat insists that it
>cannot find the class, even though as far as I can see the servlet has
>deployed properly.  I have posted every bit of documentation I have on the
>problem and so far all I have received is sympathy.
>I have modelled my code directly on the examples, which Tomcat has no
>trouble running.  I honestly cannot see that I am doing anything differently
>except to name the package and class different names.  I am losing my mind!
>I do not have time to root through the code of Tomcat to find out exactly
>what it does during deployment of a servlet or where it goes looking for
>classes, and frankly I don't think that I should have to worry about that.

I've noticed that in certain cases, jar does put the *.class files in the 
file with a NON relative path... This lead to the impossibility for the 
java interpretter to find your classes...

Look with a jar -tvf if the pathes are relative or not ... That could be as 
stupid than this ! ( I had a problem similar to yours in a java 
application, I searched a solution for 4 days !

Also : Did you add your application to the server.xml file ?

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