Acutally what I am going to do is set a context for user home directory so 
each user in that home directory can write their own servlet program.

I know I can setup a listen in tomcat for user servlet like following:
     <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig"
            directoryName="public_html" homeBase="/home"

But I have 2 reason to do what I do.
1. My old server using Jserv set up this way.
2. I want to use apache to process static page and disable tomcant's 8080 
port. However, mod_jk can't neigther handle  "JkMount /~user/servlet ajp" 
nor "JkMount /*/servlet ajp"

Even I have problem in setup http://tomcat:8080/~user/servlet/ which I will 
address in another topic.


Quoting Joel Rees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Grandy Fu asked:
> > Can I tomcat4 search multiple WEB-INF in one webapp like:
> >
> > <docbase>/dira/WEB-INF
> >          /dirb/dirb1/WEB-INF
> >          /dirc/WEB-INF
> I think not.
> Is creating multiple contexts in your server.xml what you would rather do?
>    <Context path="/dira"
>      docBase="g:/somedir/dira" >
>    </Context>
> <!-- I don't remember if /dirb/dirb1 will need an intermediate context for
> /dirb -->
>    <Context path="/dirb/dirb1"
>      docBase="g:/anydir/dirb/dirb1" >
>    </Context>
>    <Context path="/dirc"
>      docBase="g:/whatdir/dirc" >
>    </Context>
> That way, you can keep your paths straight and avoid confusion. (Does that
> sound a little transcendental, or am I just short on sleep?)
> Joel Rees
> Alps Giken Kansai Systems Develoment
> Suita, Osaka
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