Subject: User authentication
From: "Hermod Opstvedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a rather intricate question. In Tomcat you can set up formbased
authentication to secure resources with for intance the JDBCRealm, and this
works great. Now lets say that you have an index.jsp that also contains the
logon form. This index.jsp uses struts-tags to check which role you have and
displays different content depending on role - so before you log in it will
not display these items. I don't want to protect it, because the page itself
should be available to guests (visitors) also. The way I see it it, there is
no way of having a user authenticated without trying to access a protected
resource, and in this case the resource is the index.jsp. You can not call
setRemoteUser() from your index.jsp because it is hidden higher up. Has
anyone come across a workaround for this.


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