Iam trying to convert a standalone application to web based application
using Tomcat.

Iam running a servlet called Login in Tomcat 4.0.3-b1 on NT 4.0. I tried
different versions of tomcat also like tomcat 4.0.3 and lower.
In the above servlet Iam trying  to load a class file called
com.CellFusion.Relational.RelConnection.  using Class.forName,  I get an
java.lang.ClassFormatError: com/CellFusion/Relational/RelConnection (Illegal
Variable name "") 
I can load all other class files but i cant load this particular file.

Iam attaching the file any help in this regards would be very much

. <<RelConnection.java>>   <<Login.java>> 

When I take some java files (including the said file) from my application
and seperately compile them and place them in D:\Apache Tomcat
4.0\webapps\CellFusion\WEB-INF\classes  i dont have any problem.

I am not sure what is  problem with the tom cat loader, Iam stuck can any
body please explain.


Attachment: RelConnection.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Login.java
Description: Binary data

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