
I've used JNDI to replace a context's attribute.  I connect using rootDN.
However, I can do it in tomcat3.2.4 and in console java application.  BUT NOT
tomcat3.3.1 or tomcat4.0.3.
Do anyone know why??

com.macroview.sso.main.SSOException: javax.naming.NoPermissionException: [LDAP:
error code 50 - Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'idletimeout' attribute of
 entry 'cn=test,ou=user,o=software,c=hk,dc=macroview,dc=com'.
]; remaining name 'cn=test,ou=user,o=software,c=hk,dc=macroview,dc=com'

Thx. and Regards.

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