I suggest managing your webapps from Tomcat instead of from Apache (ie put
the virtual 'links' there).  You do this buy managing 'contexts' in the

In terms of instances, are you using a Unix (and if so which one), or
Windows? On Linux, many of the instances you may see are actually threads,
not processes.

Joseph Molnar

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Bernardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 12:15 PM
Subject: Webappdeploy line help

> Help.
> Is there a way to use tomcat to serve up from multiple urls within one
> instance?  After starting apache I get an instance for every WebAppDeploy
> line and I am not sure if this is bad or how much it effects
> performance/scalability.
> I have the following lines in my httpd.conf:
> <IfModule mod_webapp.c>
> WebAppConnection conn warp gumby.abilizer.com:8008
> WebAppInfo   /webapp-info
> WebAppDeploy    ../../webapp   conn    /
> WebAppDeploy    ../../webapp   conn /url1
> WebAppDeploy    ../../webapp   conn /url2
> WebAppDeploy    ../../webapp   conn /url3
> </IfModule>
> --
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