
I am getting a little confused about the topic weather Tomcat 4.x ist having a 
Connection Pooling implementet or not.
I was following the discussions the last few days and the answers have been a little 
Therfore my question loud and clear ; ) 
Is there a Connection Pooling using JNDI with Tomcat 4.x or not?
Below some postings concerning this topic from the last few days...

Thanks Rainer

<past postings>
Tomcat:  As far as I'm concerned, JNDI support is a "now and forever more"
feature of Tomcat 4 and later.  It's the standard access mechanism for
J2EE app servers as well.

Recommendation:  If you can, you should use JNDI based access to data
sources.  This is both portable across containers, and portable across
Struts versus non-Struts applications.  In addition, it can be used from
directly from within a JavaBean implementing your business logic, without
requiring a reference to ActionServlet or the servlet context (or the web
layer at all).

> > In the javabean.
> > ----------------
> > import javax.naming.NamingException;
> > import javax.naming.Context;
> > import javax.naming.InitialContext;
> > import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
> > import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
> >
> > class mybean() {
> >     java.sql.Connection conn
> >     ....
> >     get getPooledDatabaseConnection() {
> >         Context ctx = new  InitialContext();
> > Context envCtx = (Context) ctx.lookup("java:/comp/env/");
> > DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup("jdbc/dbpool");
> > conn = ds.getConnection();
> >         }
> >     ...
> > }

Yep ... that is exactly the pattern you can use.  Nice, isn't it?

> Soefara.



Unfortunately by using the Tomcat (4.0.x) default JNDI datasource factory
(aka Tyrex) you not only do not have a pool manager interface but you don't
have a pool.  The Tyrex factory only sets up one physical connection and one
pool instance AFAIK.

In order to create a pool you either can use the jakarta-commons DBCP
factory or write your own implementation.  Craig McClanahan recently posted
this DBCP implementation which works with TC 4.0.x.

**************** Craig's post
> It should be possible to use the DBCP based pool even with Tomcat 4.0.x by
> overriding the default JNDI factory for javax.sql.DataSource objects (I
> haven't tested this, but in theory it should all work).
> This requires the following steps:
> * Download recent nightly builds of the Collections, Pool, and DBCP
> packages from Jakarta Commons
> (http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/nightly/) and put
> the JAR files into $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib along with your JDBC
> driver.
> * Configure the "factory" parameter in the <ResourceParams> element
> to set the JNDI ObjectFactory class for this resource:
>   <ResourceParams name="jdbc/EmployeeDB">
>     <parameter>
>       <name>factory</name>
>       <value>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory</value>
>     </parameter>
>     ... other configuration parameters ...
>   </ResourceParams>
> * Configure the other parameter values of the <ResourceParams> element
> from the list of supported properties below:
> - driverClassName - Fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver
> - maxActive       - Maximum number of active connections at one time
> - maxIdle         - Maximum number of idle connections at one time
>                     (if more are returned to the pool, they will be
>                     closed to release database resources)
> - maxWait         - Number of milliseconds the pool will wait when there
>                     are no available connections before causing
>                     getConnection() to throw an exception
> - password        - Database password
> - url             - Connection URL (also accepts "driverName" for
>                     backwards compatibility)
> - user            - Database username
> - validationQuery - Optional SQL SELECT statement used to validate a
>                     connection before returning it to the application
>                     (must return at least one row).  This is helpful
>                     in catching stale connections because of timeouts
>                     or recycling of the database without stopping
>                     Tomcat.
> Alternatively, you can use any other connection pool you like, if you
> create your own javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory implementation class (the
> JNDI object factory interface) and registering its name with the "factory"
> parameter.  Documentation is in the JNDI Specification and the
> corresponding Service Provider Interface document, at:
> http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/docs.html

As I said this implementation works fine for TC 4.0.x. and as Craig mentions
the DBCP BasicDataSourceFactory class is a good model for writing your own




Yes, I have been able to get pooling data sources to work with mySql using
the mm drivers.  Here are excerpts from my setup:

<Resource name="jdbc/ds" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/ds">

application's web.xml
Resource reference to a factory for
instances that may be used for talking to a
database that is configured in the server.xml file.

Lastly, in my code.  This will test for a pooled datasource.

Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");

DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup("jdbc/2rc");

Connection conn;
if ( ds instanceof ConnectionPoolDataSource ) {
ConnectionPoolDataSource poolDataSrc =
PooledConnection pc = poolDataSrc.getPooledConnection();
conn = pc.getConnection();
out.println("Pooled Connection<br>");
} else {
conn = ds.getConnection();

Bill Stone
</past postings>

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