you can try using an URL for your configuration file storing the xml 
file in your webapp/yourapp directory.

InputSource sn = new InputSource("http://server/yourapp/AccessInfo.xml";);

You can also limit the access to the file using standard protection methods.

Another way to access you file is by putting it in the WEB-INF directory 
of your app and fetching an InputStream with
the getResourceAsStream method of  the ServletContext

InputSource sn = new 

(oCtx is your ServletContext object)


Vijay Shinde wrote:

>Hi All,
> I am using XML configuration file for setting application properties.
> I am using class InputSource to load the .xml file.The problem i am
>facing is i need to give absolute path
> for my xml file e.g.
> InputSource sn = new InputSource("C:\\Program Files\\Apache Tomcat
>Apache has this directory in the path C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat
>if i move my file at this path also it doesn't work .I don't know but it
>is not picking file from relative path  .
>If some one help me out that will be great.
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