While that technically works, it launches a separate tomcat instance within
the single JVM instance.  Watch the logs in catalina.out and you see that
for each WebAppDeploy line a new instance is launched.  This offers
functionality, but sharing resources is never a good idea if you want any
scalability.  This site is expected to get 550 concurrent sessions at any
time.  This will not work out in such a demanding environment.

Basically the line:

Thu Apr 25 05:22:07 : 204 : TRACE : system : targetHost  :bt1.domain.com

Suggests that tomcat launches using the one instance per targetHost.  If you
have one WebAppDeploy and regardless of how you got there (proxy,
mod_rewrite, virtual hosts etc) once you access any resource from the webapp
directory, you get forwarded to http://targetHost/webapp and you lose the
user supplied prefix (bad thing).

Any other suggestions out there?  There has to be a way to restrict (or add)
more than one targetHost for tomcat to allow several access methods.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 2:02 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: tomcat/apache with ALIASES (Was canonical names)

Does something like this work?


ServerName blah1.blah.com
DocumentRoot /blah
WebAppConnection conn      warp  localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy     webapp    conn      /test

ServerName blah2.blah.com
DocumentRoot /blah
WebAppConnection conn2      warp  localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy     webapp    conn2      /test


Brian Bernardo wrote:
> First of all, I am very proficient with DNS; that was not the question.  I
> want users who go to http://name.domain/webapps to have the same
> webappdeployment as http://name2.domain/webapps.  It is important that
> however they got there (domain prefix) be maintained throughout their
> session.  This works fine for static content, but as soon as anyone goes
> http://name?.domain/webapps they get redirected over to
> http://ServerName/webapps.  ServerName is defined within the apache
> httpd.conf file (same with vitualhost name).  That is not good.  There has
> to be a way to have either virtual hosts or some method for tomcat to
> the same dynamic content regardless of how they got there without
> redirecting.  
> Any one know how to accomplish this?
> B
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Molnar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:28 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: tomcat/apache with ALIASES (Was canonical names)
> No. I use A and CNAMES depending on the situation.  Do you have proper
> aliases set up in Apache?
> Joe
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Oki DZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 2:28 AM
> Subject: Re: tomcat/apache with ALIASES (Was canonical names)
> On 04/25 15:33 Hamish Marson wrote:
>>What you're using (Or trying to use)  is aliases... The DNS records (CNAME
>>al) are named after what they point AT (or more accurately) resolve to.
> Thus
>>the CNAME record (Canonical name) points or resolves to the REAL name of
> the
>>host. (Literally, the dictionary term for canonical is the real one). Just
>>the A record resolves TO the address...
> I think I have the same problems...
> So, how do you set up virtual hosts in Tomcat?
> I have tried to have <Host ../> elements in a Tomcat service and I used
> in them. It seemed that any hosts in the service would resolve to the same
> contexts contained in the service (even though I have supplied different
> URLs;
> ie: different FQDNs).
> I guess the answer would be: just use A records (that point to the same IP
> number). Is it correct...?
> Oki
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