I havent got any answer yet..can anyone please help me on this..
Thanks much in advance
suresh akula

>From: "Suresh Akula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Problem in writing my own web application??????
>Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 20:36:45 +0000
>I am very new to tomcat. I am trying to write a web application and deploy 
>it on tomcat. I am failing to do so in various forms:
>My web application is an applet GUI which has two textfields and 
>button..once u enter data onto 1st textfiled and press the button the 
>request goes to servlet and the servlet sends back the data along with some 
>appened value and displays it onto the second textfield of the 
>html(applet)page.This is something like applet to servlet communication.
>i want to deploy this servlet as web component onto tomcat. I modified the 
>server.xml(configuration file ) and added the following code
>        <Context path="/testbasicservlet" docBase="myownservlet"
>                          debug="0"  reloadable="true">
>          </Context>
>Also i changed $tomcat_home/webapps/myownservlet/web-inf/web.xml(deployment 
>descriptor file) to
>    <welcome-file-list>
>       <welcome-file>/servlets/helloservletone.html</welcome-file>
>    </welcome-file-list>
>i have servlets and web-inf directory under 
>So when i run http://localhost:8080/testbasicservlet i am able to see 
>helloservletone.html page but this html page is not able to load the java 
>applet which has GUI in it.the source code for this html file is
><h1>Applet to to Servlet Communication</h1><br>
><applet code = "AppletThread.class" width = 400 height = 400 name = a3 
>align = left>
><param name = abc value = a4>
>ths helloservletone.html brings up empty gui applet(it ddoesn't load 
>appletThread.class which has GUI) I donno where to place applet class file 
>and servlet class file in tomcat server.since my gui doesn't come up i am 
>not able to test the servlet functionality. It is sort of difficult to put 
>in word my problem. if it is clear can anyone please let me know how to do 
>Thanks Much in advance
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