Hi Raj,

thanks for your detailed mail which was very helpful. I had followed the
but i had another question. The certificate from verisign has been placed
as instructed , but how do i enable the client i.e browser in my case for
same . does anything specific has to be done?

prior to doing this, i was using a self-signed certificate, which the
browser still
reads. how to make the browser know abt the verisign cert? hope u got
the point. 
thanx in advance....


-----Original Message-----
From: Raja Sekhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 5:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SSL certificate help!


Follow these steps to configure your digital id

1. generate a local certificate:
   keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore <myfile> where
<myfile> is the name of the desired keystore-file

2. generate the CSR (you need it to request your (demo)certificate)
   keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.pem
   now you have a file called "certreq.pem". Send this to your

Note : You can skip steps 1 & 2 becoz u said, u already got a verisign
certificate. But make sure that u have done these steps only to send your
demo cert. to verisign.

3. Goto verisign & download TrustedCA Root Certificate which they give for
the browser. The downloaded file name would be getcacert. Now use the
following command to import that into trust store

keytool -import -alias root -keystore <myfile> -trustcacerts -file

4. Now import your verisign certificate with this command

keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore <myfile> -trustcacerts -file

With the above 4 steps, u r ready with your keystore. Now goto server.xml &
search for "        <Http10Connector  port="8443" secure="true" />"

Uncomment the above line & add the following changes

 <Http10Connector  port="8443" secure="true" 
  keystoreFile = "path of your keystore"
  keypass = "if u give anything other than changeit"
  socketFactory = "org.apache.tomcat.net.SSLSocketFactory"

I think this should solve your problem. All the best.



On Mon, 6 May 2002 15:57:03    t.riteshmenon wrote:
>Hello all,
>I have got a  Trial SSL Server Digital ID from Verisign . I would like to
>know how to configure it with tomcat(3.2.1) . i'm trying to enable ssl
>with tomcat. 
>any help in this regard would be most welcome.
>thanks in advance
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