Hello again!

I am resending my email about my Conext/DB problem hoping that someone 
will take a look at it now. =)

Have I configured my Context incorrectly? All documentation I have read 
suggests that I have done things the right way. But since it is the 
first time I am doing this kind of stuff I might have missed something.

Any comments on this would be usefull!


--------------- original email ----------------------

I am having problems with my Context. Below are snippets from my
httpd.conf and server.xml files:

-- httpd.conf --
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName www.matlaget.org
      DocumentRoot /var/www/matlaget
      WebAppDeploy  .  conn  /tom

-- server.xml --
        <Host className = "org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpHost"

<Context path="tom" docBase="" debug="5" reloadable="true">

<Resource name="jdbc/MatDB" reloadable="true"
                        auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/MatDB">







The thing is that even though I have set reloadable to true in the
Context the classes doesn't get reread after I have compiled new ones.
Another thing that isn't working is the database. The DataSource object
is null after I have looked it up with JNDI.

One of my jsp's is at the URL http://www.matlaget.org/tom/viewdinner.jsp

The jsp runs but the DataSource object that I will use is null. It is
almost as if I haven't defined a conext at all.

Can anyone see if I have missed some thing in my configuration? Any help
will be gratly appriciated!

I am running Tomcat 4.0.3 on Linux.


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