On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 20:03, Nance, Michael wrote:
> I am trying to solve a problem we are having with Non-ASCII characters and
> the Euro.
> First I am starting tomcat with -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1 in out java
> startup.
> However if I do something like this
> Locale localeTest = new Locale("de","de", "Euro");
> NumberFormat nfTest = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(localeTest);
> <tr> 
> <td>Test</td>
> <td><%=nfTest.format(55555)%></td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> I get his result from My Jsp
> Test 
> ? 55.555,00
> I do do a system.out of non Asii Characters  such as é  â ä  à ë è ï - euro
> symbol (EUR) - British pound £
> and All print except for the Euro (EUR) but if I echo it to the browser it
> prints fine.
> We are on Unix Boxes with Solaris 7
> Is there something else I am missing....
> One note: We also Run through Weblogic which has the same result for the
> system.out but trying to run the jsp at the weblogic level non of the
> characters pring correctly.

>From your description, it sounds as if your console font doesn't have
the euro character. If it displays properly in the browser, then things
point to everything being okay....



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