You can put a welcome-file-list entry in your web.xml, which will open the
specified file when you access your domain/context without the file name

    <welcome-file>Your default page name e. g. index.jsp </welcome-file>


-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Crisostomo Martinez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:15 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: [urgent!] Disabling the context's content listing

Does anybody know how to disable the content of a context listing?

I mean, when you try to load a JSP file you must type the following URL:


But when you type http://address:8080/contextname all the list of jsp,
gif, jpg files are showed and even you can download the file thru the
right button of your mouse with ("Save target as...")...

It would be right if instead of the listing, a "Forbidden" or "Not
Found" page appears, wouldn't it?
So, could you help me to disable this kind of access?
I'll appreciate all your advice!!!

Thank you in advance!

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