I don't have the answer to why reloading isn't
working, but I can recommend using the tomcat manager
app to "remove" and "install" your app to freshen it. 
That doesn't require a restart of tomcat.

One important note though, if your webapp's main
directly exists, this won't work.  You have to blow
away that directory after you "remove".

I just have ant blow away the directory and drop a
fresh .war in the webapps/ dir, then manager-remove,
then manager-install.

The only downside is that I haven't worked out why my
db pool object doesn't release its connections.  Thus,
each time I do it I burn 3 database connections :)


--- Ray Letts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Below is a snippet from my conf/server.xml file.
>  From all the docs 
> I've read, and the examples, this should work.
> However the tomcat class 
> loader does not recognize newly compiled class files
> and still uses the 
> cached versions.
>   Can anyone spot a problem with the xml below? It
> parses upon startup. 
> But to get the newly compiled classes cached I have
> to restart the 
> server. and whether thru cmd line or manager web
> app, this is not want I 
> want to do during development.
> Ray
>          <Context path="/BugTracker" 
> debug="0" 
> reloadable="true"  />
> ps above is the full path to the webapp, however I
> have tried the 
> relative  as well.
> --
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