Subject: app deployment on tomcat windows
From: "Joey DiPrimo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I need to deploy a web app quickly on tomcat.  I wanted to deploy
it on Linux but can't wait for the servers to be ready, so I thought I
would deploy on windows 2k servers.

I tried getting it to work with IIS as the http server, but had inconsistent
results, with some pages failing to load.  The application seems to work
fine with the built-in http server with 1 or 2 users, but I'm wondering
how well this might be expected to scale up to a production environment
of possibly 100 or more simultaneous users.

Has anyone tried deploying Tomcat 3.x (I'm using 3.3.1) in a Windows 2000
environment and using Tomcat's built in http server?  If so, would you
recommend this, or would I be better off just waiting for the Linux servers
and configuring it to run with Apache?

P.S. The reason I'm using Tomcat 3.3.1 and not 4.0 is that I developed it
on v3.3.1 and wanted to be sure that my application conforms to the
servlet 2.2 spec.  Ultimately, I'd like my application to be portable to
multiple different deployment environments such as Websphere, Iplanet, etc.
and it seems that most of these are still at servlet 2.2.

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