Hi all

Thanks for your input on Ant. When I asked about the file list issue I was
wondering if we could specify a file list that we expected to be in the war
and that it would just do a double check at the end to verify we had all
files... We currently have problems with make system and this can happen
sometimes and is sometimes hard to debug.

Thanks everyone who replied...

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Drew Sudell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   24 May 2002 17:53
To:     Tomcat Users List
Subject:        [OT] Re: Using ANT - Crash course needed

Donie Kelly writes:
 > Hi all
 > Is there any good docs out there apart from the apache ones which will
 > me up to speed with ant quickly. Could somebody answer the following
 > questions...

There are pointers to a number of articles, examples, FAQs etc on Ant
on the resources page for the Ant project


 > a) Can ant be used to do installs like copying files - editing properties
 > etc...

Yes.  The copy task will copy files or directory hierarchies.  When
installing from archives, I've found the unzip/untar/unjar tasks
useful.  The PropertyFile task works for editing properties.

 > b) 
 > Can ant check that the file list has made it into the war/jar

Not sure what you're asking on this.  Do you mean comparing a external 
list of files that "should be in a jar" to what is empirically in the

If so, I don't see a trivial way to do it -- but that doesn't mean a
non-trivial way can not be contrived.  [Various schemes involving jar
tvf and diff start to run thought my head.]

 > c) Can ant work faster than make. Make is slow for java stuff... (we
 > currently use  make)

Depends what you are doing.  But for compiling Java code, yes.  What
most people typically do building Java via make is to fork off a javac 
for each file.  Unfortunately that implies starting a whole new JVM
(assuming a Java based compiler, ie not jikes).  Ant runs the compiles 
inside the existing JVM, so you get a big win there.  
 > Thanks
 > Donie
 > Ps: does anybody know is it easy to convert PVCS archives to CVS? 

Depends how much history you want to keep.  When I did that many years 
ago, I just exported the head of the tree and checked it in.

If there is a way to export the PVCS archive to RCS files, which I
seem to recall there was, then you can just copy the RCS files into

Actually, in the contrib directory of CVS there's a perl script called 
pvcs_to_rcs that looks like it will build RCS archives from PVCS
archives by successive exports of each revision.

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By the way, you may want to try the ant-user list for the Ant
questions.  It's run from the same server at Jakarta.  If I recall,
there was a cvs-info list for cvs.  There are pointers to the Ant
mailing list and archives for it in the Ant docs at
A good starting point for CVS is  http://www.cvshome.org/

        Drew Sudell     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.op.net/~asudell

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