What is officially supported is documented in section 4 of
the RUNNING.txt document:


If you want to deviate from this, I recommend you go ahead and
try it.  Then post if you run into problems for which you can't
find a workaround.  It is time consuming to predict what might
go wrong based on what you might or might not attempt to do in
your actual configuration.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sankaranarayanan (Ganesh) Ganapathy 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 1:09 PM
> Subject: I am trying to find the answer to this one for the 
> last few days : Pl hep
> Hi All,
> I am resending this mail for the nth time hoping to get an 
> answers from the experts here.
> Anyway my question is if the following is a supported config:
> I want to run multiples instances of embedded Tomcat all 
> against the same base directory. Is such a configuration supported?
> Something like 
> C:\tomcat>java -Dcatalina.home=c:\tomcat 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina -config .\conf\server.xml start
> C:\tomcat>java -Dcatalina.home=c:\tomcat 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina -config .\conf1\server.xml start
> 1. Can all the instance work off the same web application 
> files on disk - will there be any problem between the tomcat 
> instances all sharing the same web application files on disk?
> 2. Will there be a problem with the work directory. I cant 
> seem to find an api to tell every embedded tomcat to use 
> different directories.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Thanx
> Ganesh
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