
I am using Tomcat 4.0.4b3. I have a single context defined like so:

<Context path="/apps"
<!-- resources are here -->

However, when I start the container, it loads the context correctly, but 
then also attempts to create a context /finserv, presumably using the 
automatic deployment. This is successful, accept that my startup relies 
on resources not in the default context.

Mail archive/documentation has given me no luck. The only solution I 
have here is to:
1) change path to /finserv
2) change appBase to somewhere other than where finserv is, and change 
docBase to an absolute path.

This isn't what I'd think is the expected behaviour. Can someone confirm 
if this is the case?


| Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .
. f2 network ~ everything essential       |

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