"Stanish, Brian" a écrit :

> I am using Tomcat 4.0.3 with Java SDK 1.4.0 along with Apache 1.3.24. These are all 
>running on a RedHat 7.2 box on which I do have root access.
> I have followed the readme and install files and managed to get Tomcat working 
>standalone. Then I installed mod_webapp as a shared object for Apache and edited my 
>httpd.conf file to use that module:
> *********************
> LoadModule webapp_module /etc/httpd/modules/mod_webapp.so
> AddModule mod_webapp.c
> <IfModule mod_webapp.c>
>     WebAppConnection conn      warp
>     WebAppDeploy     examples    conn  /examples
>     WebAppDeploy     manager     conn  /manager
>     WebAppInfo /webapp-info
> </IfModule>
> *********************
> I am able to access tomcat by going to the URL myhost.mydomain.com:8080 and I can 
>access $tomcat_root/examples and $tomcat_root/manager by going to 
>myhost.mydomain.com/examples/ and myhost.mydomain.com/manager/ respectively.
> What I would like to do however, is allow .jsp files (and eventually servlets as 
>well) in my html root. Currently if I have a file such as 
>myhost.mydomain.com/foo.jsp, apache returns it as source text.

Well it seems that your jsp files are not treated at all...
First of all yu do have to well understand how deployments are done under Tomcat.

/examples works well because, basically, your tomcat is pre-configured to work this 
The ServerROOT for Tomcat is under /path/to/Tomcat/webapps.

When Tomcat is started, it looks in that directory and deploy every "web application" 
found. In that case,
examples ROOT manager tomcat-docs and eventually webdav.
This deployement is controlled by the $TOMCAT_DIR/server.xml and web.xml.

So try first to execute sample codes from the /examples deployement and look if it 
goes right.
You can see it too in $TOMCAT_DIR/work/ directoty.

> I have looked for a way to tell apache that if it finds a jsp file it should send it 
>to tomcat for processing,

Once mod_webapp is compiled, well installed and declared as a shared module, Apache 
knows that all jsp's are to be sent to this module, according, obviously, to the 
Deployment done.

About the deployment, i was talking of the part dedicated to Tomcat-Apache which is 
handled in your case by mod_webapp on server ( hum, yu can forget it 
assuming that it is the default...) on port 8008.
So that each Host and Context declared in this part AND WebAppDeployed in httpd.conf 
will be concerned.

Yu may keep the structure described in THE 2.3 API Servlet:
/path/to/my/zone/webapps containing folders below:
./jsp  put jsp's files
./servlets for yur servlets
./WEB-INF/classes all .class files
./WEB-INF/lib all .jar files
./WEB-INF/web.xml describing how to handle yur jsp and servlets.

Don't forget that with no personal web.xml under WEB-INF, the deployer will  
understand that yu want to use the default one; that is $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/web.xml.
For instance it says that a common servlet will be call by 

> but all I have found on the web and in newsgroups is how to do it using either jserv 
>or jk. Current documentation has recommended using webapp as a connector, which is 
>why I installed it, but does it disallow me from having jsp's in my docroot? Any 
>pointers would be appreciated.

Try to read the online documentation directly on yur server port 8080 ( if available) 
or go to the jakarta online doc

> Thanks in advance.
> -Brian

Hope this help.

Jean-Luc :O)

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