Your two questions are related.  The path where tomcat is would be
$CATALINA_HOME, which is an environment variable.

>2. It is possible to  find out (in Java) the value of a system variable

There's a difference between an environment variable and a java runtime
option.  Anything passed as -Dname=value to java will be accessible via

Getting environment variable is different, and not always possible.  The
classpath, coincidentally, is accessible as 

See the JavaDoc for System.getProperties() for a complete list.  Tomcat
may add something like a jakarta.tomcat.home property, but I don't know
if it does.

Finally, although it's sometimes kludgey (sp?), you can always add a
parameter to your web.xml if you know it in advance (at deploy time,
versus run time).

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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