I've TOMCAT 4.0, SUN XML-Pack (which includes JAXM, JAXR...) , JetSpeed and
Apache SOAP.
I think I can't use the JWSDP because TOMCAT (8080) is always installed and
I've an ISAPI redirector for IIS configured with it. I've deployed a
Client  j2se (Java Class, URL on port 8070) on APAche-SOAP-ADMIN in which i
use Call method. There is no compilation error but when I execute the
client it don't find the class.

I want to see the request/response with TcpTunnelGui but it detects
What the role of the JavaMail API in the using of SOAP, I don't understand
What precautions must I care when I install SOAP? Do you where can I found
a good tutorial for SOAP with TOMCAT?


Jean-Christophe FRANCE

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