I would like my tomcat (local, on my machine, for development) to have a nice level of 
debug. Just like the one that comes with JBuilder... it gives me information like this:
2002-07-16 10:51:13 - JspEngine --> /seta_sessao.jsp
2002-07-16 10:51:13 -       ServletPath: /seta_sessao.jsp
2002-07-16 10:51:13 -          PathInfo: null
2002-07-16 10:51:13 -          RealPath: C:\Contratacao\contratacao\seta_sessao.jsp
2002-07-16 10:51:13 -        RequestURI: /contratacao/seta_sessao.jsp
2002-07-16 10:51:13 -       QueryString: null
2002-07-16 10:51:13 -    Request Params: 
and prints exceptions... I couldn't get my tomcat to print exceptions generated by 
servlets... I have to see the log...
.:| Christian J. Dechery
.:| FINEP - Depto. de Sistemas
.:| (21) 2555-0332

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