Hi Jack,

Are you tasked with coming up with the whole solution, or just sending mail
to a pre-existing setup for e-mailing cell phones?

The easy part is sending mail.  Is your monitoring stuff running under

You can send mail directly from your monitoring software if you have access
to that software.

I've seen people use setups where they use a modem to dial the phone then
play a pre-recorded message, too.  That's a little more proactive than
sending mail to the phone because most phones use a short beep (if anything)
when mail arrives, and put a "mail waiting" icon on the display.

Since Java now has voice synthesis you can create messages to be spoken on
the fly.

A lot depends on what your situation is.  You didn't really give enough
details for anyone to give a good answer.


----- Original Message -----

> Thanks for your reply. I don't know much about the wireless stuff. We have
> program (in java) that is monitoring our systems. If a problem occurs on
> systems, we need to send a notice email to some cell phones. I don't know
> what are required in terms of hardware, software or third party services.
> Jack

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