Hi Robert.

Thanks for you answer. As far as I can see there are only binaries for
Windows and Solaris and I'm running SuSE Linux 8.0. Do you perhaps know
where I can find binaries for the Linux platform?

Kind regards, Ola Theander

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: den 22 juli 2002 23:36
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Problm. building tomcat 4.0.4 jk connector for 
> use with Apache 2.0.39. JDK 1.4.x?
> Here is a precompiled binary and also tips on building.  
> http://www.acg-gmbh.de/mod_jk/ 
> "Ola Theander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 07/22/2002 02:16 nite
> Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
>         To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         cc: 
>         Subject:        Problm. building tomcat 4.0.4 jk 
> connector for use with Apache 2.0.39. JDK 
> 1.4.x?
> Dear subscribers.
> I have a problem building the 4.0.4 JK connector so I can 
> integrate my Tomcat installation with Apache 2. I've tested 
> the webapp connector with Apache 2.0.36 but since I upgraded 
> to 2.0.39 I get the now infamous message "mod_dev.c not 
> compatible with...". Therefore I like to switch to the JK 
> connector and I also hope that the JK connector will work 
> with Apache 2.0.39. There are also other reasons why I will 
> change to the jk connector. I've learned to understand that 
> it's much more mature and the webapp connector doesn't have 
> any real advantages.
> The problem is that the build process chokes since it not 
> able to find the javax.servlets.* packages. I don't know if 
> this is because I use JDK 1.4.0 or some kind of configuration 
> error. I've started with changing the build.properties file 
> in the jk library. But after trying to build with Ant I 
> figured that some helper files was needed before the build 
> could succeed. It complained about not finding some 
> tomcat-coyote.jar file to copy, so I started the build from 
> the connector's source root folder and then it stopped when 
> it failed to find the javax.servlets.* packages mentioned 
> above. Am I totally on the wrong track here? There where also 
> a few messages after the "Package javax.servlets does not 
> exist" complaining about deprecated methods in the 
> javax.servlets package but that might perhaps be an inherited problem?
> Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards, Ola Theander
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